Ok, i'm out!!! nights are over for me...I will just spend a few words about it...
To the snakes that bitched me up for bullshit well...karma...what goes around comes around, remember this...I just add this:"if to live you have to creep, then stand up and die..." You are good in brown nosing...it will take u far in life,expecially in the place u are working now, it's really made for u at all!!! Good luck...
That's all!! Now well, news of days...i'm back at living at day time and things are sorting out big time, even there's my niece and her friend that's come to visit me in brighton and apparently they're gonna stay for some months and more if they like the town and they're enjoing a lot!!! life is good now...I feel a new energy coming through me and it's something strong and calm at the same time...it's just so good, it's a new balance, a new direction, a new sense of freedom and it's just beautyfull!!!I'm thinking about many things i'm feeling in these days, my best friend in Italy, Gigi Baz, I'm thinking about the things i've done in the past, things i wanna do in the future, i'm thinking about faces i've seen, places i've been...and i'm thinking about what a man is...
I feel i am!!! If someone should come to me today and ask me "so, what have you done in your life dude?!"
Wow...things to be proud of!!!! somethings i've done i've got matter to be ashamed of, but well let's take it out!!!
currently about 3000 people have a driving licence thanks to me, with the band we made happy at least 40'000 people (we've meet at least 100'000 for tours and other events) at least 1000 of them had met the love of their life on one of our concerts i think i can esteem, i've partecipated in organising a concert for 25 musicians, that alternated on stage in improvised bands to play a track list that went on for 3 hours with the best musicians in Brescia, I saved 2 girls from a rape(a third one i didn't save her i wasn't man enough at 18, and i still regret it somehow cause i lost her forever...if u're reading this now you know it...i'm hoping really that u sorted out your life even after all, wherever you went after all that happened to u little bird...) I've made some girls sad, i've made some girls very happy, and them made me happy too, one of them after a night of love she gave me the most beautifull feeling i ever felt when she said, naked in my harms, with eyes full of love, whispering with a last breath of voice that i made her feel so protected, i felt to be in her soul so deep in that moment that yes, i realised i was definitely a man...
I've helped my friends in their darkest hour and some of them, the real friends, did the same for me when my darkest hour came...I've named and shamed some real piece of shit that are still paying for what they did...When i were 21 as i was not good for school at 15, i decided to go back at evening courses and working in a iron moulding factory at day, in 4 years i've achieved my diploma as teacher, the winter of that very year the reform of school from Berlusconi's government canceled the validity of my diploma and i found a way out anyway...I've been on the top of the world and i was feeling like in paradise, i've been on the bottom of the world and i felt like shit as well, i rode the poems and the life of Pablo Neruda, and i took it like an example for life, I gave my friends a new matter to stand up and fight again when they were spread on the ground, broken, fucked up, totally wasted and lost with no future in front of them, and they did it for me when it was my moment, I've cried for a month when the soul of Italy, mr Fabrizio de Andre, the songrwriter, the poet, the man, have died in 1999, i felt like a king when i arranged a tribute band to revive his music...I fought the law, and sometimes i won!!!!! Sometimes they've just massacrated me and left me bleeding on the ground grasping for my life, but i'm still here you mutherfuckers...I could add 1000 of things more in this section, but it's very late now and my eyes are closing...may i will update this from time to time when something old pops up in my mind, for now i just cut this!!!
In modern times, where a man is considered to be who can do whatever the fuck he wants with no respect for other people's life, anyway someone will pay for the shit they spread around, a man is who can have all the cocaine he desires, can spread sons all over the world without giving a shit about any of them and live happy with it, if u can rape a girl with feeling no remorse, if u can abuse a child for your own pleasure and go back to your family with an endless smile, if you can fuck your friends with not even thinking that maybe u are making a big bullshit, just to progress in your career, to have another crumb of the biscuit they will allow you to take from time to time, if you are a poor stupid bitch that can find her way in life just making her pussy as large as the tunnel under the channel, if you are so distant from yourself and your souls because they pay you good for it,if u live your life leaving a pile of skulls at your back because someone ordered to you, your life is so fucked up you will never sort it out...
I think, with what i've done in my life, the way it's recognised even by the people i know too, i'm definitely a man...way more of those puppets that i've told about up here, just living my life related to some simple rules, one of them is this : "release your love or get rid of it forever..." i never regretted to feel love for someone, even if sometimes it didn't go the way i expected, i loved more the people i had around than the money i could have earned fucking them up...with all my heart, every moment...
And you, that point that accusating finger at me, asking for what i've done in my life...WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE IN YOUR LIFE??????

mercoledì 16 giugno 2010
lunedì 14 giugno 2010
Metaprog 20
Ok , nothing much to write about the last 2 weeks, i'm into a metaprog, changing things...i'll tell you about when things are done!!! One more thing to all those who wants to come to uk, beware of snakes and scorpions, it's full of them here!!!!
martedì 8 giugno 2010
A song from Ani Di Franco: Tis of thee, i dedicate it to the people that escaped my lost country in the few years...
they caught the last poor man on a poor man's vacation
they cuffed him and they confiscated his stuff
and they dragged his black ass down to the station
and said "ok the streets are safe now.
all your pretty white children can come out to see spot run
and they came out of their houses and they looked around
but they didn't see no one.
and my country tis of thee
to take swings at each other on talk show tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
and above 96th street,
they're handing out smallpox blankets
so people don't freeze
the old dogs they got a new trick
it's called criminalize the symptoms
while you spread the disease
i hold on hard to something
between my teeth when i'm sleeping
and i wake up and my jaw aches
and the earth is full of earthquakes
and my country tis of thee
to take shots at each other on prime time tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
they caught the last poor man
flying away in a shiny red cape
and they brought him down to the station
and they said "boy you should know better
than to try and escape"
and i ran away with the circus
'cause there's still some honest work left for bearded ladies
but it's not the same goin' town to town
since they put everyone in jail 'cept
the cleavers and the bradys
and my country tis of thee
to take swings at each other on talk show tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
they cuffed him and they confiscated his stuff
and they dragged his black ass down to the station
and said "ok the streets are safe now.
all your pretty white children can come out to see spot run
and they came out of their houses and they looked around
but they didn't see no one.
and my country tis of thee
to take swings at each other on talk show tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
and above 96th street,
they're handing out smallpox blankets
so people don't freeze
the old dogs they got a new trick
it's called criminalize the symptoms
while you spread the disease
i hold on hard to something
between my teeth when i'm sleeping
and i wake up and my jaw aches
and the earth is full of earthquakes
and my country tis of thee
to take shots at each other on prime time tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
they caught the last poor man
flying away in a shiny red cape
and they brought him down to the station
and they said "boy you should know better
than to try and escape"
and i ran away with the circus
'cause there's still some honest work left for bearded ladies
but it's not the same goin' town to town
since they put everyone in jail 'cept
the cleavers and the bradys
and my country tis of thee
to take swings at each other on talk show tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
Well, this time i want to go on telling about the italian adventures i had...
During the after 3 years i was in "totale's" dimension we made a video clip, it was a nice experience, mostly to write the story board, arrange the schedules and the ideas took months, it was all a job of inventing, taking, chosing, deleting, planning and trying it, when finally to film it it took one day only, from dawn till dusk!!! But it was an amazing day, we used an "epoque" car, a proper crap one, like us!!! We went to take it, or better i went with Laura to take it in a small village near by and we took it back to the location, but as it has been locked like 20 years stopped in a garage it was a problem to take it with us...basically it just let us down at half way, we managed after one hour to complete the travel after the rest of the team reached us and helped with electric cables to resuscitate it.
The day went on like a real funny one with all our friends there helping us, for the first time in our life in front of a camera but ready to perform at the best!
U can look for the result of this 4 month struggle on this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mo0ckeMfUk
The same summer we left Italy for a long travel direction Spain, exactly to Chipiona, in the extreme south west of the country, like 70 km far from Gibraltar.
The trip started at night, after work for all, we grabbed our poor luggage and me, Rusu, Cresta and Elisa started the 30 hours for our life, 3000 km to a country where we've never been before, just to visit an old friend "Daniel Spaniel", the former and first guitarist of the band, half spanish half italian, that decided after leaving the band, to move to his mother's country.
Well all happy and fresh we left town around 3'00am and we went, no gsm, no idea of what's gonna be, just lead by our motto "Hey oh, let's go!!!". We didn't even had a map,(yes we are real vintage people!!) just a compass!!! So it was ok, the travel was passing by Genova, Ventimiglia, Monaco, Marseille, Barcelona, Valencia, Manzanares, Cordoba, Jerez de la Frontera and finally Chipiona!!! A little town, about 10'000 citizens, mostly fishermans, on the sea...The trip was planned like a no stop one, we had to cover 3000 km in 30 hours!!! If u are a curious reader and u maybe are checking the distance u probably are reconing that the real travel was supposed to be like 2500 km in total, well I’ll explain later where are the 500 km missing…
The trip through France was quiet, I slept for the 4 hours till the border with Spain, I don’t know exactly what’s happened but when I woke up Cresta was driving, and next shift driving was mine,
He was tired, I was very fresh so we just swapped the place in an autogrill, after we had like an hour rest, but for us and also for the car, that after 10 hours well, was needing it as well!! After a coffee for me and a short nap for the others, one hour later we hitten the road again and went no stop to Chipiona, I was driving at this point and at 3 am, with Rusu as navigator with the compass (yes it’s hilarious but it’s true and anyway efficient!!!), actually he never held a compass in his hands so I had to explain him a bit how to use , to keep it perfectly straight to have a proper esteem of the direction to follow, and we were due to follow the direction west/south west. Well the following 2 hours ren happily talking with Rusu about what we experienced the last year, the dates around, the friends, some dinners together, certain nights and other stories, the kind of conversation that make u remind and reflect many things, in a funny and heart warming way…but Rusu was tired, we were almost in Spain and he felt asleep, I was alone driving at that moment, the other were exausted and sleeping in the car, but I could manage it just following the clear and constant signal to Spanish border. It was 5 am at this moment, I was listening to the “Bolero” from Maurice Ravel and it was powerful…I can’t describe it any better…I felt at that moment I was changing inside….in that very moment I was a bit tired as well, but that symphony, powered up by the sun that was rising behind the mountain and it was dawn…the crescendo of the music was increasing the mighty feeling as well and really I felt like a nuclear reactor!!!! I think I could have thrown a flux from my soul up to the sky through the stars in that moment….It’s something I will never forget, u just feel like new after that…totally recharged, totally fresh, totally connected with the environment around, I had in my eyes like the imagine of the nature that was waking up around me, deers, wolves, squirrels, birds, humans, lawn, trees and the power of the core of the earth as well…
It was just a magic moment I will carry with me all my life for sure…
Well…finally I went on driving till 12 in the morning, at that time we were about to start the trip in the Sierra Madre, a long deserted, hot as hell, area of spain, after we passed the stopping point were all muslims directed to Morocco have to stop to take a rest, before they head to Algeciras, and there, by ferry, they end up to North Africa, and we spent some time with this people, we never met a muslim before, we just heard about them on tv, and finally, they are not as bad as they appear on tv, we met a family, father, mother, 2 daughters of about 10 and 16, and 3 sons about 20/25, we had a chat, we told eacht others where we were coming from, where was our destination, we had some fresh drinks together…and then we said goodbye…finally we went on our travel, they gave us some fruits to carry with us, we gave them some of our cds…we went on after sharing this little moment…but something bad and unexpected were about to happen… We got lost in the desert of sierra madre, me personally I lost my senses for the steamy hot situation, it was like 45 degrees, stuck in the car, a perfect oven under this sun, lost on a mountain cause we took the right road instead of the left one and there we ended up, on a red mountain surrounded by desert and nothing and none around…just us fools!!! And no idea of what to do because we didn’t even know about the existence of a desert in Spain,we were ther on that mountain lost, sorrounded by small and never seen animals just seen on tv, including snakes, spiders and other little bastards!!! But there we were and we had to do something: at that moment we were also out of water, the only water we had was the one from the car’s radiator, surely not good to be drank and anyway only good to make a tea, that was not the best idea with 45° on us!!!!
Well finally we just took the car 30 minutes after and we drove back for about 100 kms to the point were we took the wrong road and sorted everything out, but that moment was desperately hilarious…
Well the rest of the travel was quite smooth… nothing special to report, just loads of fun and crazy things we did on the car, the last 5 hours was determinating…after 25 hours closed up together in a oven everyone, even the pope, would turn into a schizo!!! And we started to have bad mood with eachothers…yes, the last 5 hours was quite stressing we started to scream with eachothers cause we were tired, we wanted to arrive, to have a shower and a proper sleep, we were smelling, hitchy and stuffed with stress!!! But finally here’s the signal to Chipiona…
Fantastic…in 1 hour we found Dani’s house and we left the car asleep aswell…
We met Dani and his girlf Veronica, at midnight, with a little surprise, Ivan, another friend from Cremona, was there, and the holiday was definitely on!! We didn’t even get a shower, it was too late and we were too high at that moment to do any thing else, even prepare something to eat…we just had some lonely bread and went to sleep, me and Cresta on the roof (I’m talking about a place where they celebrate xmass dressed with t shirts, they don’t really need bending roofs, they have flat ones!!!) and so we went to sleep on the roof, under a closer starry sky, we had a spliff together before we close our eyes, and we went on for an hour more talking about anything cause we were in decompression and finally chilling out under this impressive sky of Spain, there we realised for the first time, that the sky is not the same in any part of the world…..and it was a revelation for us!!!!
Ok this is it for now…come back for more because there is a lot more to come back for!!!
Tell u soon…ciao!!!!!
During the after 3 years i was in "totale's" dimension we made a video clip, it was a nice experience, mostly to write the story board, arrange the schedules and the ideas took months, it was all a job of inventing, taking, chosing, deleting, planning and trying it, when finally to film it it took one day only, from dawn till dusk!!! But it was an amazing day, we used an "epoque" car, a proper crap one, like us!!! We went to take it, or better i went with Laura to take it in a small village near by and we took it back to the location, but as it has been locked like 20 years stopped in a garage it was a problem to take it with us...basically it just let us down at half way, we managed after one hour to complete the travel after the rest of the team reached us and helped with electric cables to resuscitate it.
The day went on like a real funny one with all our friends there helping us, for the first time in our life in front of a camera but ready to perform at the best!
U can look for the result of this 4 month struggle on this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mo0ckeMfUk
The same summer we left Italy for a long travel direction Spain, exactly to Chipiona, in the extreme south west of the country, like 70 km far from Gibraltar.
The trip started at night, after work for all, we grabbed our poor luggage and me, Rusu, Cresta and Elisa started the 30 hours for our life, 3000 km to a country where we've never been before, just to visit an old friend "Daniel Spaniel", the former and first guitarist of the band, half spanish half italian, that decided after leaving the band, to move to his mother's country.
Well all happy and fresh we left town around 3'00am and we went, no gsm, no idea of what's gonna be, just lead by our motto "Hey oh, let's go!!!". We didn't even had a map,(yes we are real vintage people!!) just a compass!!! So it was ok, the travel was passing by Genova, Ventimiglia, Monaco, Marseille, Barcelona, Valencia, Manzanares, Cordoba, Jerez de la Frontera and finally Chipiona!!! A little town, about 10'000 citizens, mostly fishermans, on the sea...The trip was planned like a no stop one, we had to cover 3000 km in 30 hours!!! If u are a curious reader and u maybe are checking the distance u probably are reconing that the real travel was supposed to be like 2500 km in total, well I’ll explain later where are the 500 km missing…
The trip through France was quiet, I slept for the 4 hours till the border with Spain, I don’t know exactly what’s happened but when I woke up Cresta was driving, and next shift driving was mine,
He was tired, I was very fresh so we just swapped the place in an autogrill, after we had like an hour rest, but for us and also for the car, that after 10 hours well, was needing it as well!! After a coffee for me and a short nap for the others, one hour later we hitten the road again and went no stop to Chipiona, I was driving at this point and at 3 am, with Rusu as navigator with the compass (yes it’s hilarious but it’s true and anyway efficient!!!), actually he never held a compass in his hands so I had to explain him a bit how to use , to keep it perfectly straight to have a proper esteem of the direction to follow, and we were due to follow the direction west/south west. Well the following 2 hours ren happily talking with Rusu about what we experienced the last year, the dates around, the friends, some dinners together, certain nights and other stories, the kind of conversation that make u remind and reflect many things, in a funny and heart warming way…but Rusu was tired, we were almost in Spain and he felt asleep, I was alone driving at that moment, the other were exausted and sleeping in the car, but I could manage it just following the clear and constant signal to Spanish border. It was 5 am at this moment, I was listening to the “Bolero” from Maurice Ravel and it was powerful…I can’t describe it any better…I felt at that moment I was changing inside….in that very moment I was a bit tired as well, but that symphony, powered up by the sun that was rising behind the mountain and it was dawn…the crescendo of the music was increasing the mighty feeling as well and really I felt like a nuclear reactor!!!! I think I could have thrown a flux from my soul up to the sky through the stars in that moment….It’s something I will never forget, u just feel like new after that…totally recharged, totally fresh, totally connected with the environment around, I had in my eyes like the imagine of the nature that was waking up around me, deers, wolves, squirrels, birds, humans, lawn, trees and the power of the core of the earth as well…
It was just a magic moment I will carry with me all my life for sure…
Well…finally I went on driving till 12 in the morning, at that time we were about to start the trip in the Sierra Madre, a long deserted, hot as hell, area of spain, after we passed the stopping point were all muslims directed to Morocco have to stop to take a rest, before they head to Algeciras, and there, by ferry, they end up to North Africa, and we spent some time with this people, we never met a muslim before, we just heard about them on tv, and finally, they are not as bad as they appear on tv, we met a family, father, mother, 2 daughters of about 10 and 16, and 3 sons about 20/25, we had a chat, we told eacht others where we were coming from, where was our destination, we had some fresh drinks together…and then we said goodbye…finally we went on our travel, they gave us some fruits to carry with us, we gave them some of our cds…we went on after sharing this little moment…but something bad and unexpected were about to happen… We got lost in the desert of sierra madre, me personally I lost my senses for the steamy hot situation, it was like 45 degrees, stuck in the car, a perfect oven under this sun, lost on a mountain cause we took the right road instead of the left one and there we ended up, on a red mountain surrounded by desert and nothing and none around…just us fools!!! And no idea of what to do because we didn’t even know about the existence of a desert in Spain,we were ther on that mountain lost, sorrounded by small and never seen animals just seen on tv, including snakes, spiders and other little bastards!!! But there we were and we had to do something: at that moment we were also out of water, the only water we had was the one from the car’s radiator, surely not good to be drank and anyway only good to make a tea, that was not the best idea with 45° on us!!!!
Well finally we just took the car 30 minutes after and we drove back for about 100 kms to the point were we took the wrong road and sorted everything out, but that moment was desperately hilarious…
Well the rest of the travel was quite smooth… nothing special to report, just loads of fun and crazy things we did on the car, the last 5 hours was determinating…after 25 hours closed up together in a oven everyone, even the pope, would turn into a schizo!!! And we started to have bad mood with eachothers…yes, the last 5 hours was quite stressing we started to scream with eachothers cause we were tired, we wanted to arrive, to have a shower and a proper sleep, we were smelling, hitchy and stuffed with stress!!! But finally here’s the signal to Chipiona…
Fantastic…in 1 hour we found Dani’s house and we left the car asleep aswell…
We met Dani and his girlf Veronica, at midnight, with a little surprise, Ivan, another friend from Cremona, was there, and the holiday was definitely on!! We didn’t even get a shower, it was too late and we were too high at that moment to do any thing else, even prepare something to eat…we just had some lonely bread and went to sleep, me and Cresta on the roof (I’m talking about a place where they celebrate xmass dressed with t shirts, they don’t really need bending roofs, they have flat ones!!!) and so we went to sleep on the roof, under a closer starry sky, we had a spliff together before we close our eyes, and we went on for an hour more talking about anything cause we were in decompression and finally chilling out under this impressive sky of Spain, there we realised for the first time, that the sky is not the same in any part of the world…..and it was a revelation for us!!!!
Ok this is it for now…come back for more because there is a lot more to come back for!!!
Tell u soon…ciao!!!!!
lunedì 7 giugno 2010
sabato 5 giugno 2010
Things lost on the way and coming back...
Well here we go again!!!
I'm not here to tell about the story with totale band, i will do in the next few days!
Well this time is time to!!! I'm gonna make a big change in the next few days!
I think it's needed first, it's too long that i'm in a situation that's not taking me anywhere, that's just turning me into a ghost more and more, I'm used to be me, not negotiations...this is what u see, this is what u get. Dot.
Progresses are on the way but not on this way i'm now... There is an important element that i miss a lot, it's very important to me, i realised it just missing it!!!
It's always been there, everyday of my life, giving me energy just looking at it, making me feel better in the worst moments, when everyone spits against and the wind is howling opposite to u fast like a rocket!
situations of involvement of fun with other people, in pubs, in the nature, open air, in a forest, where ever!!! It's the SUN all the time to be there and give that thing more...
How depressed and depressive is people in London, all sorrounded by this vertical horizon of concrete, where u look up and u barely feel there is a big light up there, and u lost to recon it, because of architectural impediments...Rushing through all this total lack of nature that decrease the energies, mortificates, like on rails covered with people running here and there and everywhere.
Many of the people i used to know, under the mask they use to wear, by the necessity or will, they were like that, very different from what they show on the surface...
I don't know i can not live like that like an "actor", a bear, a lion, a bull in a cage, no lights...I mean i don't want to be at the centre of the scene of anything, i don't like to be protagonist, can't tell why, but i'm like that, i used to have fun being on stage but didn't like beacons pointed at me!!!
Most of people there looks like aiming to look like some celebrities finally, they bury their eyes in gossip magazines and their brain with the last new about Cheryl Coke and the other big boobed woman that put make up on the daughter...
Or Britney spears and madonna,boh i don't know, ok freedom of choice, of course but still i ask my self why people needs to look like these celebrities...don't u feel good just being yourself?!?!? I remind about the 15 minutes of celebrity of Andy Wharol, and they still come perfectly here, but it's stuff of how long ago, 30 - 40 years?!
Whatever is your own business, in these lines just my opinion...just ask your self if there is not a better way to live more than attempting to look like the last celebrity...
Just try maybe...
Come on, have u seen the last pictures i've posted, so great to be on top of the hill devyl's dyke I feel there, where i want to be..I've got good friends in London, but this is where i belong more, and london i felt it like a cage...
Ok so this is what going on now..
The town, is smaller, there is magic here, u can feel it around...
And i'm losing this in the dark box i'm caught in..
Time for a change, i'm squeezed against the next door and the next door step...
Time to open a new mysterious door...what's gonna be after it?
Always, life is great...life is BABOOMBA AND SHABADAY...
I'm not here to tell about the story with totale band, i will do in the next few days!
Well this time is time to!!! I'm gonna make a big change in the next few days!
I think it's needed first, it's too long that i'm in a situation that's not taking me anywhere, that's just turning me into a ghost more and more, I'm used to be me, not negotiations...this is what u see, this is what u get. Dot.
Progresses are on the way but not on this way i'm now... There is an important element that i miss a lot, it's very important to me, i realised it just missing it!!!
It's always been there, everyday of my life, giving me energy just looking at it, making me feel better in the worst moments, when everyone spits against and the wind is howling opposite to u fast like a rocket!
situations of involvement of fun with other people, in pubs, in the nature, open air, in a forest, where ever!!! It's the SUN all the time to be there and give that thing more...
How depressed and depressive is people in London, all sorrounded by this vertical horizon of concrete, where u look up and u barely feel there is a big light up there, and u lost to recon it, because of architectural impediments...Rushing through all this total lack of nature that decrease the energies, mortificates, like on rails covered with people running here and there and everywhere.
Many of the people i used to know, under the mask they use to wear, by the necessity or will, they were like that, very different from what they show on the surface...
I don't know i can not live like that like an "actor", a bear, a lion, a bull in a cage, no lights...I mean i don't want to be at the centre of the scene of anything, i don't like to be protagonist, can't tell why, but i'm like that, i used to have fun being on stage but didn't like beacons pointed at me!!!
Most of people there looks like aiming to look like some celebrities finally, they bury their eyes in gossip magazines and their brain with the last new about Cheryl Coke and the other big boobed woman that put make up on the daughter...
Or Britney spears and madonna,boh i don't know, ok freedom of choice, of course but still i ask my self why people needs to look like these celebrities...don't u feel good just being yourself?!?!? I remind about the 15 minutes of celebrity of Andy Wharol, and they still come perfectly here, but it's stuff of how long ago, 30 - 40 years?!
Whatever is your own business, in these lines just my opinion...just ask your self if there is not a better way to live more than attempting to look like the last celebrity...
Just try maybe...
Come on, have u seen the last pictures i've posted, so great to be on top of the hill devyl's dyke I feel there, where i want to be..I've got good friends in London, but this is where i belong more, and london i felt it like a cage...
Ok so this is what going on now..
The town, is smaller, there is magic here, u can feel it around...
And i'm losing this in the dark box i'm caught in..
Time for a change, i'm squeezed against the next door and the next door step...
Time to open a new mysterious door...what's gonna be after it?
Always, life is great...life is BABOOMBA AND SHABADAY...
martedì 1 giugno 2010
And the story goes on, one of them, my life i realise now is like a matrioska russian doll!!!there is one into another...
Cool so let’s go on from where we stopped last time… I was talking about this old friend of mine, Rusu…This guy is a volcano, that’s the best quality I can rely to him!
Well, after that improvised performance on stage, we had some beers with this guy chatting about music and other stuff, then we didn’t see each others for a couple of years, during wich he started a band as well “Totale Apatia”.
Loads of things happened during those 3 years, privately and in common life, I’ve been in other bands, met new people, lost new people, the old ones was always there anyway so it was kind of normality, every week we cross people and in short terms we lose every track of them, maybe cause during that week or month or year they just gave and received all that they were supposed to carry and take for you, or maybe, as it happens sometimes, u meet in the wrong moment, in the wrong place and u meet years after when things are different, u recon each others and there u start something bigger than what u had the first time u met.
I heard from Rusu 3 years later, when he asked me to join his band as drummer, but as I was busy with other things and bands, I’ve had to decline, honestly I didn’t like much the music he wanted to play, extreme hard rock, as at that moment I was involved in mostly reggae and more solar atmospheres, but as he invited me anyway to see his concerts, we started to meet more and more often, until I really changed my whole entourage of that period, not wild enough for I’ve became, and generally bigots, respectable minded, fanatic of themselves as well, I don’t know how to say now, but during the time I felt that situations turning not to be tight for me!!! So I just needed a change and I got more and more into Totale Apatia’s situation, where I met more direct people, spontaneous and they always say what they mean, anyway…that was what I was looking for, no half way in say things…even if it’s extreme!!! There you could take care of your individuality but in a group, a very solid group!!!
And more into nature system, I don’t know how to explain, but as I grew up in country side, I really don’t go to look for concrete and metropolis, forests, wide open fields of green, rivers, they are my elements!!! And if you’re reading this, dear M, you know what our element was, but you know I can’t tell it here….The other ones that was there know what I’m talking about any way so…it’s all sorted!
There was 5 things that was always there in Totale’s dimension: the road, the “pub on the road”, the forest in Quinzano, the fans, the girls….That was what I always really needed and wanted…those 5 elements, that I hardly live without. Now things are changed but at that time I was really into my dimension, I was still in another band, but the weekend was on the road, adventure, never know when u leave town, never know when you come back, but always know that anyway u’re gonna end up with a roof on your head and it’s rarely an hotel anyway….It’s just that we’re a bunch of nice guys, skilled in these things… The base was the “pub on the road” right opposite to where my flat was, I just had to cross a net, the road and I was in my second home, with my friends, with Ramon, with Elisa, Rusu, Cresta, Ringhio, Danny, Gero, Elisa, Alice, Laura and everyone that was there and knows everything that happened…That was our common ground for about 10 years, there we lived anything and everything…
We found love, we lost friends, we meet friends, had fights and rumble, we experimented that certain chemicals are not for human use, even if u’re damn wasted by alcohol, we did our concerts, we arranged concerts for others, we arranged to have Marky Ramone playing there, during an European tour with his band “the Speed Kings”, an hero for us…and our band opened the evening for Marky Ramone!!!!
There was people from Milan, Venezia, Bologna, somes even from Switzerland, even if I don’t know how did they get to know about this concert in our small small village, we made up to 3000 people in that place that couldn’t contain more than 1000!!!!
What a night of hell…Rock, girls, alcohol, police, rumbles, mess!!!!
It was a little stress to manage it, as we organised that we had to take care of it as well, so we’ve partly relied to a security agency, partly we scrounged the rest of really un professional security from fit locals, ready to fight back anything happens…
Luckly nothing bad happened, apart from a couple of rumbles, just some bleeding noses… The place was crowded, in summer, u couldn’t move inside, outside was a mess as well, the car park was blocked, there still was a long queue going on all night and inside rock was ruling, all night till 3 in the morning…really u can smell adrenaline and pheromones 3 miles far!!! But it was exceptional, so we did it again, to arrange from time to time, usually every 6 months, a big concert in our rock house “on the road”!!! that night just ended up with us full of sweat, completely covered in champagne, girls, friends and……well one of the most memorable things never happened to us!!!
During those 6 months, as we were planning new gigs for us, arranging the schedule and stories for our 1st video clip that would go on tv, then other private stories, we also prepared other concerts for other smaller and bigger bands, it was nice, Rusu were more involved in this than me actually, yes I helped him in arrange things, but mostly cause he’s a very messy guy in mind, and he needs help and suggestions to work out good things…As anyone I know anyway!!!
The funny thing during these years was that more and more the rock scene of our area was creating more and more bands, most of them had a lot of rivalry to each others, us not!! We were friends to each others, to other bands, we were not only a team in a band, we finally turned to be a team of bands organising things for each others and whoah…it was a real storm of happenings every week, every weekend, that sometimes u had to call ur self sick if u wanted some intimacy in ur private life!!! I remember expecially there was a month in early summer of 2005 where I didn’t spend one single night at home, in privacy relaxed on my sofa….It was out every night and come back the day after…for one month I swapped the day with the night and just to be there with philosophers, record machine people, writers, skaters, “groupies”, artists, crazy people… and if it was not in someone’s place it was on the road for a concert in a far far town!
Ok I'll cut for now...i could go on for hours about this cause really i got so much to tell that's really difficult to make a resume about it...i estimate i will need 3 more posts about it so come back, sit down, have a beer, roll one, or just take yourself for a chill out moment here...tell u soon
Well, after that improvised performance on stage, we had some beers with this guy chatting about music and other stuff, then we didn’t see each others for a couple of years, during wich he started a band as well “Totale Apatia”.
Loads of things happened during those 3 years, privately and in common life, I’ve been in other bands, met new people, lost new people, the old ones was always there anyway so it was kind of normality, every week we cross people and in short terms we lose every track of them, maybe cause during that week or month or year they just gave and received all that they were supposed to carry and take for you, or maybe, as it happens sometimes, u meet in the wrong moment, in the wrong place and u meet years after when things are different, u recon each others and there u start something bigger than what u had the first time u met.
I heard from Rusu 3 years later, when he asked me to join his band as drummer, but as I was busy with other things and bands, I’ve had to decline, honestly I didn’t like much the music he wanted to play, extreme hard rock, as at that moment I was involved in mostly reggae and more solar atmospheres, but as he invited me anyway to see his concerts, we started to meet more and more often, until I really changed my whole entourage of that period, not wild enough for I’ve became, and generally bigots, respectable minded, fanatic of themselves as well, I don’t know how to say now, but during the time I felt that situations turning not to be tight for me!!! So I just needed a change and I got more and more into Totale Apatia’s situation, where I met more direct people, spontaneous and they always say what they mean, anyway…that was what I was looking for, no half way in say things…even if it’s extreme!!! There you could take care of your individuality but in a group, a very solid group!!!
And more into nature system, I don’t know how to explain, but as I grew up in country side, I really don’t go to look for concrete and metropolis, forests, wide open fields of green, rivers, they are my elements!!! And if you’re reading this, dear M, you know what our element was, but you know I can’t tell it here….The other ones that was there know what I’m talking about any way so…it’s all sorted!
There was 5 things that was always there in Totale’s dimension: the road, the “pub on the road”, the forest in Quinzano, the fans, the girls….That was what I always really needed and wanted…those 5 elements, that I hardly live without. Now things are changed but at that time I was really into my dimension, I was still in another band, but the weekend was on the road, adventure, never know when u leave town, never know when you come back, but always know that anyway u’re gonna end up with a roof on your head and it’s rarely an hotel anyway….It’s just that we’re a bunch of nice guys, skilled in these things… The base was the “pub on the road” right opposite to where my flat was, I just had to cross a net, the road and I was in my second home, with my friends, with Ramon, with Elisa, Rusu, Cresta, Ringhio, Danny, Gero, Elisa, Alice, Laura and everyone that was there and knows everything that happened…That was our common ground for about 10 years, there we lived anything and everything…
We found love, we lost friends, we meet friends, had fights and rumble, we experimented that certain chemicals are not for human use, even if u’re damn wasted by alcohol, we did our concerts, we arranged concerts for others, we arranged to have Marky Ramone playing there, during an European tour with his band “the Speed Kings”, an hero for us…and our band opened the evening for Marky Ramone!!!!
There was people from Milan, Venezia, Bologna, somes even from Switzerland, even if I don’t know how did they get to know about this concert in our small small village, we made up to 3000 people in that place that couldn’t contain more than 1000!!!!
What a night of hell…Rock, girls, alcohol, police, rumbles, mess!!!!
It was a little stress to manage it, as we organised that we had to take care of it as well, so we’ve partly relied to a security agency, partly we scrounged the rest of really un professional security from fit locals, ready to fight back anything happens…
Luckly nothing bad happened, apart from a couple of rumbles, just some bleeding noses… The place was crowded, in summer, u couldn’t move inside, outside was a mess as well, the car park was blocked, there still was a long queue going on all night and inside rock was ruling, all night till 3 in the morning…really u can smell adrenaline and pheromones 3 miles far!!! But it was exceptional, so we did it again, to arrange from time to time, usually every 6 months, a big concert in our rock house “on the road”!!! that night just ended up with us full of sweat, completely covered in champagne, girls, friends and……well one of the most memorable things never happened to us!!!
During those 6 months, as we were planning new gigs for us, arranging the schedule and stories for our 1st video clip that would go on tv, then other private stories, we also prepared other concerts for other smaller and bigger bands, it was nice, Rusu were more involved in this than me actually, yes I helped him in arrange things, but mostly cause he’s a very messy guy in mind, and he needs help and suggestions to work out good things…As anyone I know anyway!!!
The funny thing during these years was that more and more the rock scene of our area was creating more and more bands, most of them had a lot of rivalry to each others, us not!! We were friends to each others, to other bands, we were not only a team in a band, we finally turned to be a team of bands organising things for each others and whoah…it was a real storm of happenings every week, every weekend, that sometimes u had to call ur self sick if u wanted some intimacy in ur private life!!! I remember expecially there was a month in early summer of 2005 where I didn’t spend one single night at home, in privacy relaxed on my sofa….It was out every night and come back the day after…for one month I swapped the day with the night and just to be there with philosophers, record machine people, writers, skaters, “groupies”, artists, crazy people… and if it was not in someone’s place it was on the road for a concert in a far far town!
Ok I'll cut for now...i could go on for hours about this cause really i got so much to tell that's really difficult to make a resume about it...i estimate i will need 3 more posts about it so come back, sit down, have a beer, roll one, or just take yourself for a chill out moment here...tell u soon
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