mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011
A fartarting world....
Well here I am again!!! After a long, shady, sunny, happy, sad, messed up and clear time... A C
Many things happened during this period actually, I left Brighton, i came back to Italy, started to play again, doing some jobs, being with family, met a new girl we're dating now, but more than all I've been wondering about things happening around!
Where to start from?
I can spend just a few lines about that piece of shit, for those that may read those lines in the world he's just the sickest, scummiest politician ever i think, he just sheltered in italian parliament to escape jail, after have been proved that he dealed with mafia, in relevant and determinating ways, he stole, he wasted money, he money laundred, he corrupted, he abused of his powers, he supported the nearest tyrant to our country (Gheddafi, Mubarak, Ben Ali, Putin, Lukashenko, ok I know Putin is not just a tyrant but well....many people rode about what he does about press freedom in his country.) he used his medias (mediaset that comprehends Italia 1, rete4, canale5, plus pubblishing company Mondadori, to brain wash for ages italian people in order to have political support...u should just see those channels for a month to understand, how much he appears in the news everyday, being praised like he's a saint (and remember, we are the Catholic country, thank god, i'm not catholic, but finally i'm cristian, barely....); our modern Mussolini has also found the way to build up a net of baby Lolita's for the pleasure of him and his tightest friends, i suggest you, in order to better understand who this scum bag is to check on wikipedia who this people are:
Licio Gelli, Vittorio Mangano, Emilio Fede, Claudio Brachino, Augusto Minzolini, Propaganda Due, Bettino Craxi, Gianni Alemanno, Salvatore Cuffaro, Umberto Bossi, Mario Borghezio, just to name some of the nasty people he likes to drink with....THIS IS BERLUSCONI.
I think it would be enough to anyone!
He's a scumbag and soon he's gonna fall, I HERE CONFIRM THAT I PERSONALLY WOULD LOOOOOVE TO STAB THIS CUNT! Maybe you too, if u red the infos up here...
Anyway fuck Silvio, I believe he will be history soon and the waste he left of Italy will start a new thing where right wing extremists will be cut out of!
I have been recently thinking about many other things, like love, how to be at least serene in this so fucked up world, how to find a job in Italy, how to play a good song, how to sort out the worst situations u drop in but...I will write about in the next few days!!!! So enjoy this for now and well, MAY BERLUSCONI BE THE NEXT PIECE OF SHIT TO FALL DOWN!!!!
I also include this song, that he dearly paied musicians for, to make him so glorious...well, listen to the music, so saint, so glorious, and the words....heavenly words....and realise how much mid age is still living in Italy.
Many things happened during this period actually, I left Brighton, i came back to Italy, started to play again, doing some jobs, being with family, met a new girl we're dating now, but more than all I've been wondering about things happening around!
Where to start from?
I can spend just a few lines about that piece of shit, for those that may read those lines in the world he's just the sickest, scummiest politician ever i think, he just sheltered in italian parliament to escape jail, after have been proved that he dealed with mafia, in relevant and determinating ways, he stole, he wasted money, he money laundred, he corrupted, he abused of his powers, he supported the nearest tyrant to our country (Gheddafi, Mubarak, Ben Ali, Putin, Lukashenko, ok I know Putin is not just a tyrant but well....many people rode about what he does about press freedom in his country.) he used his medias (mediaset that comprehends Italia 1, rete4, canale5, plus pubblishing company Mondadori, to brain wash for ages italian people in order to have political support...u should just see those channels for a month to understand, how much he appears in the news everyday, being praised like he's a saint (and remember, we are the Catholic country, thank god, i'm not catholic, but finally i'm cristian, barely....); our modern Mussolini has also found the way to build up a net of baby Lolita's for the pleasure of him and his tightest friends, i suggest you, in order to better understand who this scum bag is to check on wikipedia who this people are:
Licio Gelli, Vittorio Mangano, Emilio Fede, Claudio Brachino, Augusto Minzolini, Propaganda Due, Bettino Craxi, Gianni Alemanno, Salvatore Cuffaro, Umberto Bossi, Mario Borghezio, just to name some of the nasty people he likes to drink with....THIS IS BERLUSCONI.
I think it would be enough to anyone!
He's a scumbag and soon he's gonna fall, I HERE CONFIRM THAT I PERSONALLY WOULD LOOOOOVE TO STAB THIS CUNT! Maybe you too, if u red the infos up here...
Anyway fuck Silvio, I believe he will be history soon and the waste he left of Italy will start a new thing where right wing extremists will be cut out of!
I have been recently thinking about many other things, like love, how to be at least serene in this so fucked up world, how to find a job in Italy, how to play a good song, how to sort out the worst situations u drop in but...I will write about in the next few days!!!! So enjoy this for now and well, MAY BERLUSCONI BE THE NEXT PIECE OF SHIT TO FALL DOWN!!!!
I also include this song, that he dearly paied musicians for, to make him so glorious...well, listen to the music, so saint, so glorious, and the words....heavenly words....and realise how much mid age is still living in Italy.
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