Absurdistan is a small country, it's located between Champagneland, Razniciland and Viennaland, right under Milkaland and Audiland.
Absurdistan has a long long history, that's started something like 800 years ago, but Absurdistan became a united country only in 1861, when Giuseppe Garibaldi built his army up to release the country from occupants, as Flamencolandist and Viennalanders...During the time Absurdistan have passed through many events, including the rising of dictator BigJaw Mussolacci. During the years of Mussolacci, Absurdistan had to afford big troubles, expecially torture, extortion, retaliation, superficial court trials and murders of anyone that opposed his regime (communists,socialists,jews , gipsies, gay and anyone he didn't like), all of this delivered through emploiement of pubblic bullies, named the "Black Shirts", who just had all the power to do whatever they want, including murder, torture and any nasty thing they had in mind, just like that, may cause they were bored, may cause they were stuffed with notions about purity of race, white supremacy and needle of control the mass, officially they just called it "for reason of pubblic order". After some years of fighting Absurdistan's partisan with other countries armies finally defeated the reign of terror that Mussolacci built up, leaving something like 1'000'000 dead bodies of farmers, partisans and italians on the ground, from here to Vodkaland, Shishaland Flamencoland and Champagneland. Mussolacci, his head cheff commanders and most faithfulls died hanged in Piazzale Loreto, in a big liberatory party that involved all italians, who fought Mussolacci reign of terror during the years.
After this massive war Absurdistan, where people died, cities and villages were reduced to ashes, the country rose from ashes and got back to a normal status of things. Just recently another similar character appeared in Absurdistan: Mr Tvmafia. He was formerly famous as a tv tycoon before he got into politics, somes says to save Absurdistan, others says to escape jail, as apparently he couldn't justify how he made all the money to lead this big tv group (formerly fininvest- check on wikipedia..this link is in italian language as the english version is not really exaustive about explaining : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio_Berlusconi )
currently called mediasets, he just delivered fake documents that all his earnings were due to a chain of hair cutters!!! This man came to the people to save the country from communism, immigrants, judges in court (????) he basically created an enemy to hide the people that the real asshole was himself, menacing a huge uprising crisis if the country wouldn't vote for him (I have to confess that Absurdistan's people are not really smart..easily influenced and with no critical way to look at things-the perfect country for a yes man, unless it was ruled from mafia...They think economy is some kind of magic art in the hands of politic magicians,they couldn't realise that economy is them...the banks, the finance and everything related..they barely know worker's rights!! U can tell them the color of grass is another shade of blue and they would say u're a genious).
The first law he promoted when he got elected was "declare a fake incomes balance for business is not a crime anymore!!" ..... I mean, it's like to say a big industry can declare 0 incomes and none would investigate about it...But a worker has a fiscal pressure of 47%.... this is mr Tvmafia...
Mr Tvmafia knows it very good, and chased by all his debts troubles and invitations to appear in court to verify many suspects of corruption and illecit financial behaviour, he just brung the wave and ride as a silver surfer!!! One of his most famous quotes about it is "the average tv user is like a 10 year old kid, even not a very intelligent one". He basically started to use his tvs as a brain wash instrument, using unprofessional journalist as Emilio Fede,Augusto Minzolini, Paolo Liguori, Alessandro Sallusti,Vittorio Feltri, Maurizio Belpietro and many many more, it was just a team devouted to spread the holy spirit wich inspirates the choices and policy of Mr Tvmafia...in THE CATHOLIC COUNTRY of Absurdistan, they were the right men,at the right place at the right moment, this way they could blame anyone but their employer for the disaster that was coming, when actually it was due to a many big acts of negligence, Tvmafia said i'm working hard for the country, when actually he was spending the time around with the big of the world making a fool of him self with stupid jokes and not funny stories, mostly about sex, communists, women and sex....
PLEASE CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME HOW IS THIS IN THE INTEREST OF A COUNTRY, CAUSE I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!! I believe otherwise that this things, all together, created a big doubts in investors and creditors to say “Fuck this country, they're a bunch of morons...look at their leader!!!”
What mostly connects Mussolacci and Tvmafia? Let's see....
Mussolacci imposed his reign of terrorism (psicological and fisical) through the employment of the "Black shirts".... Tv mafia couldn't do the same today, to arrange a illegal army of bullies to raid the streets with the purpose to clean em up!!!! So...what kind of "group" could he rely on? Extreme right associations, with malinconic feelings about Mussolacci? No...too illegal, the people is not so dumb today... Maybe generic bullies, hooligans? No, a prime minister can not be related to such people..... mmmmm....let's see who's left.......AH YES MAFIA!!!!! A WELL RADICATE "ASSOCIATION" INTO SOCIETY, THAT PROVIDES DEFENSE, MURDER, DRUG SMUGGLING, REAL ESTATE BUSINESS CONTROL AND A WHOLE UNIVERSE OF ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING ILLEGAL BETS AND SO ON, THEY ARE PERFECT FOR THE MASS CONTROL AND OPINION DRIVING!!!
In 2009 a big earthquake devasted the town of L'Aquila, in southern Absurdistan, there was like 300 deaths, many of those were kids at lesson in a school built up with plaster(this appeared only after the disgrace), the first political, hidden reaction was "cool guys!!! we have some nice place to invest for new real estate!!!"
This only appeared on news papers some months after, when phone interception of mafia investigated politics, came to light.
Immediately after Tvmafia started a campaign to deny to the police the right to use interception to investigate on mafia, as it hurts privacy's rights.........
Actually in the time he lost most of his former political supporters and partners, like Gianfranco Fini, Pier Casini and others...
The whole system is based on using pubblic money to increase political privileges, with no limits, while disabled have to afford troubles in medical assistance cause there are no funds anymore, while small and medium companies people and employers commits suicide, covered with debts, mortgages and more, while in school there are rat and bugs invasion, that can not be fought cause the instruction minister won't send any money to sort out the problem denying the right to solve it your self as it's minister's competence, and if u disobey he will send police!!! TO BEAT CHILDREN AND TEACHERS!??!!?!? WE'RE GONNA FUCKING STAB THEIR FACES IF THEY ONLY TRY!!!!!!!
The only one who still support him is Umberto Bossi, a secessionist, leader of northern league, a white supremacy inspired party, who basically wants to split Italy in 2 nations, shoot down all immigrants that comes to absurdistan, unless they are hot and open minded girls, actually just an alcoholic idiot!!!!he's got huge problems with the bottle...
So anyway he started to spread his power all over the country, filling the parliament and key points in the country with hist tightest friends and collaborators(most of them came to parliament yet stuffed with corruption trials, others came from extreme xenophobe right wing environments, somes real estate builder masters, wich have the exclusivity of building pubblic structures with no needle of gaining the contract, it was all in his hand(Mr Pietro Lunardi, one of his most famous quotes is:"we need to learn to co habitate with mafia..."), or Nicola Cosentino(so near to mafia that he is definitely a mafia man)or even Mara Carfagna(formerly a naked hot soubrette,after her hard career(????) she became a minister....Yes she must have sucked miles and miles of cock...her jaws says thanks anyway!!!
Many of the people he put in key roles of his government just failed and after a while they had to appear in court to clear their positions of suspected mafia men, or women...Basically if u have a relation with mafia u're perfect for Absurdistan parliament!!! 1 year ago, one of his employees (u can't call them politicians..) had a party in a private house, stuffed his brain with coke and jump on the terrace for a speech in a full celebrative Mussolacci style!!!! he's not even been arrested, he's probably still there, speaking bullshit!!!
But the other side of parliament denounced all of this, on newspapers and in court, but the power of mr Tvmafia were so strong that he defeated all those suspects and accuses with "they are all communists, the lawiers are communists,so the judges are, this is not a democratic country!!!!! All this put in serious danger many of them, very busy in fighting against the vaste power of mafia, this thing didn't really help them (go and see who Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino were,and how they died). I'd like at this point to take some of Tvmafia best quotes,just to make the readers better understand what kind of man(???) this is:
"We can't think of deploying a large force. We would have to send as many soldiers as there are beautiful girls. And I don't think we would manage."
About a wave of sexual assaults with victims in Italy, this was the solution....
"Italy is now a great country to invest in...Today we have fewer communists (read democratic party)and those who are still there deny having been one. Another reason to invest in Italy is that we have beautiful secretaries." Maybe he meant to say whores?
"I trust the intelligence of the Italian people too much to think that there are so many dumbasses around who would vote against their own best interests." This was to invite people to vote for him in 2009.
"What's his name? Some tanned guy. Ah, Barack Obama! You won't believe it, but the two of them sunbathe together because the wife is also tanned."
Visiting the USA to meet new elected president Obama for the first time, with a jaw dropping expression in front of Michelle... After this Obama didn't either call Tvmafia anymore....and he actually rather skip and avoid him in any public appearence.
"Read The Black Book of Communism and you will discover that in the China of Mao, they did not eat children, but had them boiled to fertilize the fields."
Tvmafia about his political opponents currently Democratic Party, in his head a bunch of Cambodian red Kmer.
"We should be conscious of the superiority of our civilization, which consists of a value system that has given people widespread prosperity in those countries that embrace it, and guarantees respect for human rights and religion. This respect certainly does not exist in the Islamic countries." About Arab nations...I got a little "funny" story about this: a couple of years ago he went to Israel for a tour in the region and said "we support what Israel did to Palestine in the last few days(a massive retaliation in Palestine using illegal weapons such as white phosphore and other things) cause it was to defeat terrorism.
The very day after he went to Palestine and said "What u are subject to from Israel is the same horror that they lived under Nazi Germany"..... (??????????? what the fuck!?!?!? this guy is seriously insane in the brain.... Not happy for this he invited Abu Mazen (Palestine) and Ben Netanyau(Israel) in Absurdistan to make peace, in front of a famous italian dish : SARDINIAN PORK!!!!!!!!!!!!COME ON!!!!!!!
Let's go on anyway with somes of his quotes:
"I know that in Italy there is a man producing a film on Nazi concentration camps. I shall put you forward for the role of Kapo. You would be perfect." That's what he replied to a colleague at the European parliament, when he asked him about his conflict of interests about tv....
"Mussolini never killed anyone. Mussolini used to send people on vacation in internal exile."
Well, that's one way of putting it. Berlusconi's remark reads like a twisted euphemism, though in fact he was rejecting the comparison of Italy's fascist dictator — who exiled his political enemies to internment camps — with Saddam Hussein's willingness to execute foes. Still, defending as "benign" the despot who allied himself with the Nazis during World War II was a recipe for reopening old wounds in a nation seeking to shelve this dark chapter of its history. Critics savaged Berlusconi for the comment, which he made in 2003 to an Italian magazine, but the pol simply shrugged it off. There is an extra note that many out of Absurdistan just ignore: in this country's constitution there is a clear and large chapter about the prohibition of rebuild "fascist party"... His political part proposed several times to cancel this chapter..........
But let's go on....
"I am the Jesus Christ of politics. I sacrifice myself for everyone."
An inflated sense of self-worth is embedded in every politician's DNA. How else can one account for the shared conviction that they're the right individual to lead their constituents? In this 2006 gem, Berlusconi flashes a pretty outrageous persecution complex. With his bombastic style, massive fortune and legendary vanity, Italy's richest man doesn't appear to have much in common with the guy he's name-checking. Then again, Jesus wasn't properly appreciated in his time, either.
Basically everything he did, he said, he signed and promoted is to increase privileges for his political part, for his friends and for everyone who voted for him. Leaving the country sinking alone, uncaring, uninterested, too involved in fucking kids and people life.
2 days ago this news appeared in the newspapers: At Conad supermarket "come to the till and say Viva Mr Tvmafia!! You will have a discount of 10% on your purchase"....what if i go there and say, drag Tvmafia to jail??!?!??!? Should i pay double!!?!??
Mr tvmafia is there cause he doesn't want to afford court trials or jail, that's the truth, and everyone that support him is directly or undirectly involved, at different levels...
Somes could criticise me to talk without cognition, i just give some ideas to restart with Absurdistan:
1: For Absurdistan's big and small companies and industries: the institution of a new way of tax paying that includes the payment of taxes at the end of the year, after all counts on the earning are made, not before as it currently happens (yes this doesn't make any sense i know...) .
2: A reform that gives a solution to the huge conflict of interest between tv and media tycoons and prohibites their access in politic. The same for anyone proved to be an alcohol, drug user and abuser, or if related to mafia at any level.
3: A reform that promotes and spread the installation and use of infrastructures of alternative fonts of energy (solar panels, aeolic fans and any other source known or developable), in order to remodernate our energetic system, without running for nuclear energy, promotion in sales for electric cars with discounts.
4: A annual calculation of really available rate of primary sources, in order to the people to know what they really can rely on.
5: Rising of all salaries, (in the last 20 years Absurdistan's salaries only constantly decreased), education for a conscious and critic purchasing.
6: Freedom and promotion of creating consorces and co operative businesess, wich include an active and conscious activity of anyone who works in it.
7: Re evaluation and powering of touristic and hospitality sector.
8: Increase and social promotion of a reasonable public transport, even for smaller cities, in order to have a minor impact on the environment.
9: Freedom of speech without any sort of punishment or retaliation anymore.
10: Mr Tvmafia and his family must go to jail and none of them must get closer to any political activity anymore in their life and the others that will follow in that family.
11: A massive and mercyless retaliation on any one that skipped paying even a dime of taxes, same for anyone that made business on illegal activities, including fake ones. It could scrounge at least 100'000'000 eu per year.
12: Institutions of courses for unemployed, employed and employers to better power up their potential, skills and abilities, in order to better access the world of jobs.FOR FREE!!!
13: A clear and consistent help from banks to anyone who can present a decent and well structured plan to open a big or small activity.
14: Make a earning limit for finance workers, wealth is something, stealth is something else, abuse is unacceptable!
15: Reform the instructional system in order to be accessible to anyone(for timing and costs), immediate stop of helping and economic assistence to private schools, a plan to improve the pubblic schools, valuating teachers and school's staff.
Recently he had 2 big political defeats: at the big towns elections he lost everything, including his own native town "Arcore" (look how it sounds like Hard Core), that's the place where it first exploded the scandal of Bunga Bunga, where apparently baby prostitutes of 16 - 17 years old were involved, in a scheme where Lele Mora, a big show biz man, declared of being inspired by Mussolini in his whole life, Emilio Fede, the master of his tv news agency, and Nicole Minetti, formerly dental assistant, currently very very hot Regional Councellor, were the master of puppets...
I like sex my self, in most of the ways and shapes, but prostition, pedophile, and porn....well i'm just out of it!!!
So as I've said before he lost all the big towns, with a rate around 60-70 % each....
Plus there was 4 referendas he lost big time as he wanted nuclear implants, privatised water and political immunity from the common law, he supported no to all of the referenda, but he received a loud slap. Absurdistan 95%, Tvmafia 5%!!!!!
This would be enough to any politcal man to shut the fuck up, blush like a thief, go home and bury his face in his pillow and cry!!! Not for Tv Mafia....he said "I won't give up Absurdistan, I care too much about this country, I can not leave it to damn communists!!!!" actually talking about Democratic party...
Well, I think u readers understood that this country is actually called Italy, the son of a sick filthy whore is Silvio Berlusconi, and here, now I declare that Berlusconi is gonna get to jail if he wants to survive, cause the hand of the people will not have any mercy on him!!! to this rotten and putrid blister of scum!!!!
Millions like me are ready...soon Italy will be released....very soon!!!!!