Well, it's quite a long time i don't write something here, but i've been busy in enjoing my life big time so...I think everyone who use to read here would understand!!!!
A lot of things have happened lately!!!! First of all i've got back my life and it's fucking amazing, i dedicate it to the cunts at P I!!! I've been busy in a storm of parties, bbqs on the beach, dating some girls and i'm also turned 36!!!!
This town it's just amazing...there's something magic here...I really believe i've found my dimension here!!!!
I have everything i would ask for if i didn't have...
1: Loads of places that offers live music
2: loads of beautiful spanish girls (sorry for english girls, but the day u will stop drinking so much may u will turn to be attractive...W ESPANA!!)
3: beach volley club where i go at least twice aweek
4: miles and miles of road in the nature where i can ride my bike on with friends
5: Good friends (the kind of people that always lived out of disneyland, but either they never really wanted to become part of it...)
6: Nature nature and more nature
7: a green mayor !!!!!
8: public transport that takes me everywhere if i don't take my bike (sorry for those car retailers but never i would buy a car in this town...i love and respect the environment way more than i desire comfort and laziness!!! Maybe one day i'll buy a motorbike...we'll see)
9: Since i quitted that shitty job at night and i've restarted living at day time it's dinners, invitations to bbqs on the beach, once i had actually a dinner on the side walk but even there the atmosphere were so magic than i enjoied more than being in a restaurant!!!!
This town is great...You can take a walk along the alleys that from the hills leads down to the sea, you will pass by all those so caracteristical houses, all with black fences outside, all hosting some bikes, as there are a lot of people biking here. U can stop by some breakfast cafes to have your breakfast at morning, then walk down for a ride along the seafront...U can ride up all along the coast from Newhaven to Portslade, or climb up the hills if u're a brave one!!!
After u're well soaked in your sweat with that nice lively hot sensation u better go take a shower, before u take a walk around...u can enjoy every where actually...i can compare this town to a movie : "Sin City", not because is a vicious town, not as much as the one in the movie itself, but cause wherever you stop the image in that movie you will get a great picture that you would make a poster out of it...
U can find a lot of expresion of nature, aromatic herbs and trees, flower, other strange plants and ganja if u're lucky...never happened to me but i know people that had that luck and still have a biiiiig laugh about it!!!
The central way in front of the seafron is rich of bigger and small shops, u can buy anything there and it's not really expensive, if u go further to churchill square u may find the farmer market, if u don't find it there u will find it in the north lanes, and there as well u'll find something special but well, surprise are better then telling things so i just suggest u to come have a walk in Brighton and u will leave in tears... The sun will give a game of lights and shadow that's unique and even if it's misty or rainy, walking around and with wide open eyes u will spot something that u want to pick ur camera suddenly and take it forever with u...
Then u can take a look inside the shops and there u can find vintage clothes, guitars, drums, organic food shops, u just can't find cranes, cars and cinema, for the rest u'll find any thing...i'll cut it here for today, but come back, this chapter will host a lot of more details...enjoy some pics now for u to better understand what i talk about...
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