sabato 2 aprile 2011

GAY???? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes this it , why support gays?
Why support and satisfy their request of marriage, child adoptions?
Before you accuse me of christian extremism i better inform that i wash my ass with religion actually... I am christian, but full doubts about it.... I mean with all religion of this world (catholic, protestant, religion of money, religion of war, religion of white supremacy, scintoism, communism, buddism, muslims, tribal religions and all other 1'000'000 cults...) why should someone ignore all the choices??
Expecially catholic religion is particularly ridiculous, fake, in my opinion, religion of money is even worster but, currently, it appears to have more adepts than any others, in all countries of the world...

Anyway, the question is : why support gay and gay rights?

Gays have always been rejected, persecuted, 10 years ago, before i get to know some, i found this was a monstruosity, a barbarian attitude, then i knew them better, and now i understand why!!!

I would like to report here a couple of the 1'000 episodes that made me see clearer about gaysm (experience about things is worth a 100 red books), like once when i were in a toilette, after an endles working shift in a disgusting fag party, i had 10 minutes to spend alone in the toilet, in 2 minutes this 2 faggots pops in, stripe of coke and hard sex in the toilet beside mine, it was fucking annoying, irritating and fucking disgusting....u may laugh reading this, i didn't laugh at all being there...This is just one of the manys, anyway well... MAN IS MADE TO BE WITH WOMAN, WOMAN IS MADE TO BE WITH MAN...Why make an inversion of this natural law?! I could compare like to drive on the wrong lane, to mix gin with olive oil, to feed plants with gatorade (yes, this is from the movie IDIOCRACY, watch it...)
This is it, and anyway doesn't comprehends and doesn't support realities like violence on woman, on kids or football supporters... I actually think that a man should always protect his woman.
A faggot can't even protect himself!!! If you are a man and one day u wake up believing u're a cat, i mean not like a funny frenzy thing of a day, i mean just like a total believe of u're in that condition now...Or you wake up, after 2 weeks of intense war game playing on play station, go to a gun shop, buy some rifle and a ghillie sniper to go shooting people on the streets,people should take u to a real good, professional psyco doctor to start a therapy and sort out your self!!!
So why do u think that a man , who thinks himself a woman trapped in a man's body, should be considered as a normality....I actually understand a woman that runs from a violent man and hides in another woman's embrace (the sweet side of our hard souls), that's untouchable...but a man that runs from a situation like this, watching without doing nothing hiding himself behind the fact that he's sensitive, he's against violence, he's a woman trapped in a man's body...ALL BULLSHIT!!! U JUST A KID MINDED ASSHOLE WITH NO GUTS !!! THAT' S WHAT YOU ARE!!!
This is something happened recently in London, 2 girls of 16 beaten up to death a gay of 30, he died....When I red this i couldn't stop laughing!!!! Am I bad for this? Am I evil...look all the kids that dies in wars...that makes me cry!!!
Come on that's fucking ridiculous...
Tonight i was watching a stupid show on tv, and there was this bday celebration for this faggot, a stupid, greasy, childish, vicious, disgusting, narcisist londoner faggot, anxious about the success of his party, obsessed by having everything under control, but ...the party wasn't ready, his boyfriend wasn't obeydient, the party planner was called a piece of shit for this(to be called like that from a faggot without hitting it straight on his teeth??!?!?That's a duty...)this was wrong, that was wrong, and this stupid faced idiot was losing his mind about everything... insulting people up and down the street (i understand, it was a tv show, 50% planned at the table...but i still believe most he did was spontaneous and not planned). The worst was when he had to perform his tribute to BRITNEY SPEARS on stage...a man of 30 years old performing a tribute to Britney Spears on somes is freedom, TO ME IT'S JUST PSYCO SERIOUS ILLNESS!!!!
A good friend of mine lost his job cause this pompous shitty lesbian went to the manager to make a furious complaint full of cocaine, cause my friend , as he was taking the order , called her madame... Managers care about the business and good relations with customers....
He's been out of job 3 months and full of troubles for this!??!?! A FUCKING MACHETE TO HER!!!!!

Or like that girl, that made an operation to become a “man”, then she got married with a girl, got pregnant twice.......................................whatever u say................ I mean, take a lizard, turn it into a snake and eat it....good luck....

Sasha Baron Cohen has recently performed the character of Bruno in the same titled movie, well...have a look at that, that's a perfect portrait of what being a fag is...
A bunch of stupid, vicious, disgusting, mentally ill, girlies....
Why should i support a bunch of idiots like that? Give them rights of adoption, of marriage, of fuck free behind any street corner because they feel horny...I mean, I support immigrant rights, mexican people, working class people, child rights....wich are un respected everyday in the world, and millions dies for this!!!! Why the hell should i support a bunch of mentally ill people that claims for the right to fuck freely in bunches behind every open air corner, like little bitches, wedding rights for faggots....adoption rights....

Why don't we give rights to women who fuck with dogs, to men that goes to thailand to fuck children's life...let's give them rights too....

Why give relevant positions and careers to those cunts cause otherwise they cry and scream “prejudice!!! Prejudice!!!” when

I mean this world is fucking rotten, and running faster and faster to the final day...let's try to sort it out, no more petrol, just electric vehicles, no more nuclear energy, but eolic, sun panels energy, give more rights to people that works and dies everyday for a really miserable and humiliating life, invalid people deserves more rights than gay!!! RIGHT NOW!!!and everyone takes advantage of them cause a ride on a porsche and a lover in the hotel is way more important?!?!....those are priority to people!!!! NOT FAGGOT 'S RIGHTS!!!
This world is lit to pop one day....and after that we'll all start a cannibalistic race to survive.....we'll reproduct again , faggots, will be the firsts to go!!!! Mmmmm...highly doubt they will....bunch of useless people, worthy just the prada and d&g they wear... One day people will arise and those scum bags will have to return and hide deep in the asshole where they came from!!!!!

May you call me a peasant, a country side man....well, i remember you all that without us, doing the REAL DIRTY JOB of growing crops and vegs and fruits, looking after animals that fills your sandwiches in your beautyfull rotten towns....mmmmmm.... I would like to see a faggot, a bank manager, a rampant broker to care after a field of corn, (for those who ignore it, that's the basic ingredient for bread) or caring after a pig (that's where bacon, ham , salami comes from....)
They just couldn't.....they would die in a month...........
In the “not so far” end of the world , the ones who will survive are those who can provide shelter and food for themselves.... No problems for peasants......
What about faggots? AH AH AH AH AH AH!!!
I have a little piece of green at my place, i got some salad, tomatoes, peppers, basil, rosemary, other vegs wich grow every summer and they give me an healthy existence, out of cocaine, dildos and i still have loads of fun anyway....I got some chickens there, they eat what they find in the grass....they taste like proper chickens, not like that paper white thing that u find in london looks and taste like fucking paper WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!??!!?!??
MMM.....ok whatever....In the imminent black future i think if i'd see a faggot stealing from my garden....well , don't do it....for your life...don't...I don't believe in sterminium and persecution to faggots...I only say, don't help em, don't give them rights...they will naturally disappear as they are supposed to be....To me support faggots it's like to defend a thief politician, a smuggler cop, a pedofile priest....THAT'S JUST FUCKING POINTLESS AND counterproductive!!!! And don't come to me telling I'm not a liberal, cause that's exactly what I'm not!!! Liberal (that's quite a fake word and current doctrine any way...) is just something at the base of this era, where people say we are free to do what ever the fuck we want!!!!! As long as we have the money to do that....If money is the only instrument that gives you access to thing...u'll do anything to get more and more...easily turning in a slave to anyone, giving him or her the hope to achieve something that will actually achieve something only prostituting themselves to achieve it(gifting urself, fucking up ur friends for become a better doggie to the ones who leads the strings in the puppets theater...)what kind of liberal thing is this? What a bullshit...HERE WE CALL IT A NEW, MASKED SLAVERY....u bright minds of London, will call it a new, liberal way of life...BUT THE WORLD KNOWS U'RE MASTERS IN OBSCURANTISM AND HIDING THINGS...Look at what happened at the poor Julian Assange, a free information hero, jailed and sent to USA for the hardest of the trials where he might be condamned to death cause he showed to the world evidences of how and why USA and UK started the war for, calling it PEACE MISSION,killing with no problems kids, women journalists,civilians and this guy that made something really important he has good chances to day on an electric crown and we stay here to talk about gay rights?!?!?!?? FAGGOTS CAN GO TO HELL ALL TOGETHER!!!!!!! NO CHANCE TO GIVE EM A SINGLE RIGHT ABOUT ANYTHING!!!WHY!??!? BECAUSE THEY'RE HUMAN? OK , they can rely on human rights like everybody else...Because they're sensitive? My girlfriend is sensitive too, but she doesn't go to U N to claim for rights for this...Should people give em more rights cause u're persecuted? Stand up and fight then!!! When u're at the corner with someone kicking ur ass, u stand up and fight, or u stay there and take all the hits....Should people give em more rights cause they are so passionate that can't resist their passions and they need to fuck everywhere, every moment, any soon as someone touch their package...THIS PEOPLE IS FUCKING SICK AND SICKENING!!! AND IT'S USELES THAT SOMEONE INSIST TO DIFEND, FAGGISM IS FUCKING WRONG AS WRONG IS TO DROP POISON INTO A DISH OF PASTA!!!!!
SO AGAIN AND FOREVER!!!! GAY????? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!